New Moon August 30th @ 6° of Virgo ♍ at 3:37am PT
It’s almost autumn here in the northern hemisphere, summer is coming to a close, the intense yang energy of summer starts moving into the earthy and yin sign of Virgo. It’s time to focus our lives back to the regular routine and to start enjoying the simple and pure pleasures of fall.
The constellation of Virgo is one of the most misunderstood of the 12 zodiac signs. Most people think of Virgo as a detailed, type-A, uptight, clean and pure sign – and many of those traits are Virgoian. However, Virgo energy is so much more than that. It’s one of the most spiritually insightful and underrated feminine signs in the zodiac.
Regardless of whether it’s Fall time, or Spring where you live, the fertile and harvesting energy of this very Virgo New Moon will impact you.
We have a Stellium (4 or more planets) in Virgo this New Moon so Virgo energy is at a high right now. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus are all travelling through this constellation on August 30th, so it’s super important we look deeply at Virgo energy and where it sits in our chart. (See your Rising Sign below).
Mythologically the sign of Virgo it’s connected to the goddess Detemer, the Roman Goddess of the harvest. In almost every ancient culture, Virgo is represented as a woman holding a the Wheat Shaft – a sign of harvest and fertility. It’s a symbol of both because in the Northern Hemisphere Virgo season occurs in the Fall (harvest), and in the Southern, it’s Spring (fertility).
Virgo is one of the many female archetypes within all of us – she is also represented by the Hermit card in the Tarot. The Hermit is the part of us indicates reflection, introspection and spiritual insight. The part of us that is whole on our own and deeply connected to the divine.
We can also think of her as the High Priestess, the ultimate truth-teller. If you want the sacred TRUTH – ask a Virgo and receive it during this Virgo season.
Virgo is also connected to the symbol of a Virgin. One of the reasons Virgins are seen as so metaphorically ‘pure’ is because they have yet to be tainted by the lure of lust and sexual gratification.
They are able to still see and think clearly from a spiritual perspective. Many who go celibate say the same thing, without sex around them they are able to see life clearer and connect deeper to the spiritual realms. This idea connects back to the Hermit Card.
In Greek translations, the word virgin meant “one unto herself.” The woman in all of us who is chaste, who sees clearly and has deep sacred insight and vision.
This New Moon let the Virgo Archetype out!
Let the sacred part of you come to the forefront and bear spiritual insight. Practice purification rituals such as cleanses, clean your home, sort out your paperwork.
Ask yourself what you want to create this season, how do you want to purify your life? What intentions do you want to set related to where Virgo falls in your chart?
Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign):
If you don’t know your Rising Sign, you can pull up your chart here.
Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it):
The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign: ☉
Area to purify for each Rising Sign:
ARIES – Service to the world, job, details, illness, enemies
TAURUS – Fun, play, romance, children, creativity, love affairs, pleasure
GEMINI – Home, mother, homeland, renovations, the heart, comforts
CANCER – Siblings, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, communication, business
LEO – Money, possessions, self worth, food, diet and eating
VIRGO – Self, Identity, who you present yourself as, body, appearance
LIBRA – Spirituality, dreams, hidden secrets, psychology, the past, pain and loss
SCORPIO – Network, social media, fame, large groups of people, friends
SAGITTARIUS – Career, public image, occupation, authority figures
CAPRICORN – Spirituality, gurus, long distance trips, father, luck and blessings higher knowledge
AQUARIUS – Other people’s resources, inheritance, death and rebirth, sexuality, the occult
PISCES – Romantic partner, husband or wife, business partner, clients
New Moon Ritual
It’s good to set your intentions on the New Moon but wait until it’s visible again in the sky a few days later to take any actions.
Some astrologers say not to socialise or even leave the house in the days surrounding a new moon. It’s a time for inner contemplation and quietude.
Keep your ritual simple:
- Cleanse and purify your space however you like
- Sit quietly in meditation
- Ask yourself “what do I want to create this moon cycle?”
- Listen carefully to your heart
- Write down images, ideas and clarity that comes through
- Pull tarot cards asking “What energy can help me achieve these intentions?”
- Close your ritual space with prayer, gratitude, whatever has you feel complete
What exactly is a New Moon?
A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are Conjunct – meaning they are together in the same constellation in the sky.
The moon changes signs every couple of days and the sun every month or so. When the two most powerful luminaries conjunct and come together (the Divine Masculine principle represented by the Sun and divine feminine principle, represented by the Moon) it’s a powerful time to plant seeds’ that will be harvested in the full moon in a couple weeks.
*This is reflected in the Rising Woman Symbol!*
It’s also when the Conscious (Sun) and Unconscious (Moon) combine – and we get deep spiritual insights. The unconscious becomes conscious around the New Moon.
Farmers and gardeners who plant by the moon (biodynamic farming, and the ancients knew this of course) know to plant seeds on the New Moon – especially the first day when the moon is completely invisible.
They harvest, prune and weed during the Full Moon when the moon is bright and full.