New Moon in Aquarius
January 19th, 2023
3:53pm EST / 12:53pm PST
Theme: Moving Forward
This week we have a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius on the same day all planets turn direct and stay that way until mid-April. This is an opportune time to create big change and forward momentum in our lives. If we’ve felt stuck for a long time, the energy can start moving again.
Projects that haven’t been running smoothly may start moving forward, needed conversations can happen, clarity can come suddenly, or we may feel a big burst of energy toward a goal. It can even happen more on the mental or emotional plane – a pattern or way of being that’s been hard for us can suddenly shift.
Aquarius is an Air sign traditionally ruled by Saturn (modernally ruled by Uranus) and can be a hard sign to grasp. It’s both rebellious and constricted, intellectual and outrageous, contained and quick, revolutionary and traditional since it’s co-ruled by these two very different planets.
During this New Moon, in the days before and after – we may sense newness just around the corner now, a bright possibility. And at the same time it’s much like having our foot on the gas and pedal at the same time. We may feel both excited and restricted at the same time. The guidance here is to make the big changes, but make sure they are well thought out before making them. In other words, be careful not to be too impulsive!
Uranus goes direct on the 22nd so we can feel even more eager to charge forth and make big changes. The planets are supporting us to make the big changes we’ve been guided to make over the past couple of months. If you’ve been sensing an area of life that needs an overhaul, now is the time.
Don’t be surprised if unexpected and exciting things start happening quickly after this New Moon. You can set big intentions this week for what in your life you’d like to change. Take a look at your chart and where Aquarius is there, that is the area you can focus on to bring about the change.
This week we can expect the themes of Aquarius to be highlighted in our lives such as freedom, independence and rebellion. We may feel compelled to rebel, to be free and to do things differently.
Aquarius is an air sign, quick, fast and mind based. For this reason, it can feel like a very airy time around this New Moon – lots of conversations, communication, mental stimulation and overthinking.
The symbol for Aquarius is a water bearer. In ancient mythology Aquarius is described as a man holding a vase with water pouring out. In Hindu, Aquarius is called Kumbha which translates to ‘water pitcher’. In astrology water represents emotion and feeling.
Those with Aquarius placements can tend to carry the burden of others’ emotions and needs to learn how to release them in a healthy manner. They are often very in-tune with the collective mood, state and emotions and can tap into them easily.
Because of this, those with strong Aquarius placements will get overwhelmed by the emotions of others and then tend to detach completely from others instead of simply releasing those emotions.
The challenge for them (and all of us, since we all have Aquarius somewhere in our charts) is to not carry the emotions of everyone else. To figuratively “Empty the pitcher” and re-focus on ourselves.
Ways to make the most of this New Moon in Aquarius and the forward momentum:
- Declutter your home or a room in your home
- Clean out storage
- Get organized
- Do a detox
- Start a new habit – i.e. meditation or the gym
- Start a new hobby
- Launch a new product or project
- Connect with people you haven’t seen in a long time
- Clean out your email box or computer
- Do something differently – walk a new route, go to a new store, travel to a new location
- Stop taking on the emotions of others – give yourself a break even for an hour
We also have Venus/Saturn Conjunction on the 22nd that will impact our relationships… Venus and Saturn are good friends, so this conjunction brings an opportunity to mature in our relationships.
What used to work in our relationships is no longer working. If we used to run from love we are seeing we need to stay, if the chase used to thrill us it no longer does. If we used to sleep around it no longer appeals and feels empty. If we have patterns of over functioning we now see they no longer work. It’s time to let go, it’s time to make way for the new. Get still, tune in, let the old die.
Who this New Moon impacts the most:
Aquarius Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus and Mars
Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising
Leo Sun, Moon and Rising
New Moon Intention Setting Ritual
- Cleanse and purify your space by burning rosemary, bayleaf, cedar, sage or any herbs related to your heritage.
- Sit quietly in meditation for 10-15mins, or do the Rising Woman Inner Child Meditation (download available in the RW bio).
- Ask yourself the New Moon contemplations or simply “What intentions do I have for this lunar cycle (30 days)?”
- Write down images, ideas and clarity that comes through.
- Pull tarot or oracle cards asking “What can help me achieve these intentions?”
- Close your ritual space with prayer, gratitude, whatever has you feel complete.
- Note – don’t take actions on your intentions until the Moon is visible again 2-3 days after the New Moon.
How this New Moon Eclipse will impact you, based on your zodiac sign.
Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign, Sun and Moon sign):
Look at your Rising sign first, then Moon, then Sun.
If you don’t know your Signs, you can pull up your chart here.
Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it):
The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign: ☉
Rising, Moon and Sun Signs, areas this New Moon will impact you:
ARIES: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck
TAURUS: Work, self-employment, your career, public image, leadership
GEMINI: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality
CANCER: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money
LEO: Romantic partner, business partner, clients
VIRGO: Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals
LIBRA: Romance, lovers, sex, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation, children
SCORPIO: Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots
SAGITTARIUS: Siblings, online business, general business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy
CAPRICORN: Self-worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talent
AQUARIUS: Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity
PISCES: Spirituality, your dream world, the past, pain and loss, bed pleasures, isolated places such as hospitals, prisons and institutions, channelling