Capricorn New Moon
December 23, 2022 – 5:18 AM ET / 2:18 AM PT
Theme: Season of Miracles
By Dawn M. Harrison (
Our Capricorn New Moon arrives on December 23rd, reminding us to slow down, focus on what is truly important, and slowly begin lifting our gaze to our own personal summit and grand intentions for the year ahead.
Capricorn is known as the sign of the Sea Goat – that mythical creature that can climb any mountain and can cross any sea. Capricorn represents the part of you that knows your grand dreams are worthy of the patience, commitment, and dedication they require – and that you are perfectly capable of shifting your attention in just the right way to embark on the slow, steady climb to any summit that you choose.
The magic of Capricorn season lies in giving yourself the time and space to tune into what is truly worthy of your time, energy, and resources, and then beginning to lay the foundation to embark on your Great Work.
No doubt, the preceding months may have succeeded in emptying you out in preparation for this time. If that’s you, know that letting everything that has outlived its usefulness fall away is one of the ways that we make space for our next round of miracles – those great and remarkable achievements that are seeking manifestation in our lives.
New Moons are about new beginnings, so really take the time to reflect on what is being born in your life and honor it.
Since Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, known as the Great Teacher, the coming month may invite you to “step up”, to put the lessons you’ve recently learned into practice, and to exercise maturity as you set and maintain the boundaries that you need to build and nurture your relationships, your body, your mind, and your life.
Accept this invitation, and listen to the voice of your Inner Teacher because you have more wisdom than you realize.
Finally, this New Moon forms a tight square to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and faith. This is the time to dig down deep and to start believing again – believing in your life’s mission, believing in the validity of your healing journey, and believing that – though it may require you to roll up your sleeves – the road ahead is worthy of the work and worthy of the faith you’ve got to harness to walk it in joy and in love.
Blessed New Moon. May you make space for your own season of miracles.
New Moon Contemplations
Look to the place in your natal chart that houses 1 degree of Capricorn for clues to where this month’s themes have their starting point, and where they may be the most salient. To feel into this New Moon, perhaps begin by asking yourself:
What is being born in my life?
In what areas of my life is it time to raise my gaze, keep my sights on the summit, and embark on the slow, but steady, climb?
What is my Inner Teacher, my Inner Wise One, saying to me right now, in this moment?
Who This Full Moon May Impact the Most:
Every birth chart is unique, and there are a number of factors that influence the degree to which we experience the effects of any New Moon. Know that something is awakening and emerging for us all, and that we are all being asked, in one way or another, to spiral up and to surrender to a new beginning.
Those who may experience the effects of this New Moon most strongly, include those with:
- Aries Sun, Moon, and Rising;
- Cancer Sun, Moon, and Rising;
- Libra Sun, Moon and Rising; and
- Capricorn Sun, Moon, and Rising
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Capricorn New Moon Ritual
This New Moon happens just days after the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This season of time represents “the return of the light”, because moving forward, the days will get increasingly longer, and the nights will get increasingly shorter. The ritual below is designed to help you honor your own “return of the light” by helping you tune into, and give voice to, what is emerging within the deepest caverns of your heart.
For this ritual, you will need:
- A quiet, comfortable space where you can sit undisturbed.
- A candle, or candles, of your choice. If you wish, choose candles that you know somehow represent the burning desires of your heart, either in color, shape, or in any other way that feels significant to you.
- Journal and writing utensil
- Optional Tarot and/or Oracle deck
Ritual steps:
- Choose a time and a space that allows you to truly relax and come back home to yourself.
- Dim any lights of the room that you are in.
- Have your journal and Tarot/Oracle decks handy, and arrange your candles in a straight line in front of you, from left to right.
- Light your candles.
- Sit quietly, palms facing upwards, and head gently lifted, with your gaze softly falling on the flames in front of you.
- Breathe deeply – one, two, three times, or until you feel restored from within. With each inhale, feel your lungs completely expand, from bottom to top… and, with each exhale feel your lungs completely empty, from top to bottom.
- When you’re ready, begin a quiet meditation for roughly 10 minutes, as the flames dance in front of you.
- Now, if you wish, pull Tarot or Oracle cards to identify the desires you yearn to connect with, as well as any fears you must move through.
- When you’re ready, say and complete this sentence aloud:
“I honor every single desire of my heart, no matter how small or how grand it appears to be. Today, I affirm my right to ______, to _______, and to _______. I release the fear of ______, and I commit to nurturing the light that is growing within me. It is an unstoppable flame.”
- Sit quietly for a moment, and then write down the completed sentence above in your journal.
- When you are ready, blow out your lit candles, one by one, feeling each desire that they represent. Let your heart fill with gratitude for the sacred gift of this time and this place.
- Over the next two weeks, as the Moon waxes in light, add to your journal entry, as you feel led. Pay particular attention to any urgings or promptings that you feel from within, especially around the time of the waxing Crescent and First Quarter Moons.
Which area of your life will be most impacted by this Capricorn New Moon
(based on your zodiac sign)
Look at your Rising sign first, then Moon, then Sun.
If you don’t know your Signs, you can pull up your chart here.
First enter your birth info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it):
The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign: ☉
ARIES – Potential areas of renewal and new birth: Ambition, Life direction, Status, Public Identity, Life Mission, Authority, Responsibility