New Moon in Pisces
March 10, 2024 @ 5am ET / 2am PT
Theme: Make a Wish
By Guest Astrologer, Meagan Leonard | IG: @_space.drama
Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program
This weekend we have a magical new moon in Pisces that will awaken our psychic impulses and provide a unique opportunity to manifest our dreams.
The last few weeks may have felt like searching for a light switch in the dark. There is a sense that something hoped for is about to come to fruition, but the landscape of Pisces is foggy and uncertain. We know it’s out there, and we’re getting close—we just haven’t found it yet.
Since January, significant planetary shifts have been helping us clarify our long-term vision. Now, as the astrological year comes to a close, it is time to commit ourselves to these aspirations.
We are being asked to make room for what we want by releasing any behaviours, relationships, or situations that do not align with who we are becoming and addressing our fears of success.
As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces rules all that is hidden—dreams, secrets, and the subconscious mind. Pisces energy does not give us immediate results but works behind the scenes to illuminate our wishes and help us translate them into the physical world.
Pisces speaks in riddles, metaphors, and archetypes that come to us via intuitive hits, synchronicities, and dreams. It is up to us to interpret these messages and take action.
Wishing is often associated with fairy tales—characters who are oppressed, lonely, or downtrodden in some way declare their desires to a benevolent being who grants their request with a wave of a magic wand. However, the wish itself is only the beginning. It is up to the protagonist to take advantage of the opportunity and make their dreams come true.
While having our ultimate wishes fulfilled sounds wonderful, Pisces energy comes with its challenges. The idealism and lack of boundaries can make it hard to differentiate between equally appealing options or know when to leave a stagnant situation.
It is also a sign that struggles with self-sabotage.
Self-sabotage is rooted in a fear of the unknown and often rears its head when we are close to getting what we’ve always wanted. We catch a glimpse of our dream and run back to what is familiar, even if it is painful. Or, we sidle up to it with one foot in, one foot out, afraid to give ourselves completely to a new way of life.
We may be self-sabotaging if we hold onto old situations that have run their course, wait around for opportunities to fall into our lap, or act in ways that force someone else to decide for us. And we may be deceiving ourselves if we continue to hope a situation will transform into what we want, despite all evidence to the contrary.
In this way, we end up clinging to what is “good enough” in case the thing we truly want does not appear, or we perpetually weigh options that seem mutually exclusive, plagued by “what ifs.”
To get what we want, we must be willing to embrace the uncertainty that comes with standing in the dark. If we want our dreams to manifest, we must release our grip on alternative options and backup plans.
This new moon asks us to be honest with ourselves about what we want, and trust the universe to work with us to achieve it.
It’s time to move from wishing to acting, from fantasy to reality, and from indecision to clarity.
After we drop the coin down the well, it is up to us to move in the direction of our desires.
Can you trust yourself enough to see the story through to the end?
Self Reflection Questions:
What do you see when you imagine your ideal life—does anything about this make you feel uncomfortable?
In what ways might your actions out of alignment with your desires?
Is there anything you’re holding onto out of fear nothing will come to take its place?
Who this Full Moon will impact the most:
Virgo Sun, Moon, and Rising
Pisces Sun, Moon, and Rising
Scorpio Sun, Moon, and Rising
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Ice Ritual For Removing Obstacles:
Sometimes, the things we want feel just beyond our grasp due to external circumstances or internal hang-ups. If we have been clear about our desires but things still feel stagnant, spellwork can help shift our mindset and the energy around a situation.
To perform this ritual, you will need a bowl of water, a tea light, and several ice cubes.
Fill the bowl with water and place it on your altar.
Light the tea light and place it in the bowl, allowing it to float around the space. Then add the ice cubes.
Wrap your hands around the bowl and visualize what you wish to manifest. As the ice melts, you can say, All obstacles to my desires are now removed. My path is clear.
Continue the meditation until the ice has melted, then blow out the candle.
Horoscopes For Each Sign – The area of life you can set an intention this New Moon
Look at your Rising Sign first, then Moon, then Sun.
If you do not know your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign, you can click here to generate your chart.
TAURUS: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck
GEMINI: Work, self-employment, your career, public image, leadership
CANCER: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality
LEO: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money
VIRGO: Romantic partner, business partner, clients
LIBRA: Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals
SCORPIO: Romance, lovers, sex, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation, children
SAGITTARIUS: Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots
CAPRICORN: Siblings, online business, general business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy
AQUARIUS: Self-worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talent
PISCES: Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity
About Guest Astrologer, Meagan Leonard
Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program
Meagan is a writer, certified astrologer, and intuitive tarot reader. She is currently pursuing her master’s in counselling psychology and hopes to eventually combine astrology and therapy in private practice.
Astrology and tarot have helped Meagan learn to trust her intuition and navigate many difficult experiences. Now, she is passionate about using these tools to help others do the same.
As a reader, Meagan uses the natal chart to identify the unique soul journey you are on in this lifetime—the lessons you are here to learn, and the challenges you must overcome to unlock your greatest strengths.
Her areas of interest are the North and South Nodes and synastry/compatibility.
IG: _space.drama