New Moon in Scorpio ~ November 7, 2018 ~ THEME: Birthing Light

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 7, 2018 (8:02amPDT) is also Lunar Samhain – in the Northern Hemisphere, the halfway point between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. As the Earth turns away from the Sun, we in the Northern Hemisphere are held in suspended outbreath, deep in the season of the Earth’s exhale.

Ghosts arise. Shadows lengthen. Darkness impends. Welcome Darkness. Enshrine your Dead.

Life is comprised of what dies. Death makes the very soil from which life sprouts. Death and Life are each other’s offerings. What has died to bring you here? What is dying in your life now to make things new? Release it completely. Trust in the release.

Everything that ever happened or was, is inscribed in our food, our skin and bones. Each trauma and joy scintillates with memory and possibility within the holographic tablet of our DNA. This Moon activates the inscriptions. What wants to be re-encoded?

Scorpio asks that we honor our Ancestors, in all of what they are and were. Nothing left out.

Our bones, and the stones in the Earth, are the memory keepers. Nothing gets forgotten. No business goes unfinished. Scorpio denies nothing. Leaves no stone unturned. Every facet must be faced, and eventually, recycled.

This Moon brings forth the things that linger; that which we hold onto, and that which keeps a hold on us. Some things can be released. Other things must be carried, and require trust that when we are most ready, they will release us from their bond.

Intense, dramatic, and confronting, allow for a particular focus on the hideous parts and the things we would rather deny. Trauma and repressed emotion surfaces so they can heal. The unconscious must emerge into the twinkling starlight of consciousness.

Summon fierce grace.

Gaze into your own secrets. Acknowledge the words you felt in your belly, even when others left them unsaid. Give credence to your instincts. Cleanse the skeletons in your closet. All those hidden things are underpinnings – they make up what we are. Use this moon to purge every last element that needs purging.

Focus your Power on the purifying task of transformation.

Darkness gives birth to Light.

This New Moon in Scorpio wraps up a story that began October 10, 2017. Jupiter entered Scorpio on that date and completes its 13-month journey through that sign on November 8, 2018. Jupiter in Scorpio brought rigorous and unavoidable investigations. It served up #metoo movements, exposed corruption, scrutinized imbalanced power structures, and asked that we burn away illusions that have become too toxic for us to uphold.

We aren’t living in a worse world – we are simply seeing more clearly what has been there all along. Raw, exposed – and Honest.

Jupiter enters Sagittarius November 8, 2018.

Repression changes to expression. Harken in the gifts of regeneration. Call your cells to freedom. Spread more truth to far reaches of the world. After a dive through the depths, we spread our wings and take flight. Grief becomes praise. Phoenix rises from the ashes.

A quest for learning, growth, and understanding begins. It’s time to get free.

Renew your faith. Spark a vision that can light up the darkness. Seeing the way as clear, and know that your prayers of freedom for all are heard by the Gods.

Read New Moon Reports for your Sun and Rising Sign Below

Aries: I look deeper into myself in order to grow.

This Moon falls in your house of depth and intimacy. For the last year, you’ve been asked to dig deep into your unconscious resources and reveal more of who you really are. The things we inherit can greatly influence our behavior – but we don’t have to succumb to their influence altogether. There is always the option of pursuing self-mastery. This last year has provided you tools to work with that option. It’s been a great time to pursue therapy, do inner work, and become more intimate with yourself and others. On this New Moon, set intentions on what you share with others. This could be emotional/psychic sharing, as well as investments/money/resources of all kinds. Set intentions about how you want to connect with your own innate power. The cycle that begins for the next year will bring adventure, exploration, pursuing higher learning, and developing more meaning in life.


Taurus: I solidify relationships in a spirit of mutuality.

Focus your power in the realms of giving and receiving. Set intentions of equality, reciprocity, and fairness to preside in all your relations. Old ways of over-or-undergiving, practicing greed, or harboring fear about finances or sexuality may rear their heads. It’s sometimes surprising how ancient traumas can manipulate us and show up, even years or lineages later. Open these areas to transformation. Initiate new tones in your relationships. Be clear with what relationship patterns you are ending, and what new blueprints you are setting up in relationships. The cycle beginning now for the next year will expand you further into intimacy with others. It will also provide the opportunity to better see yourself reflected in your resources and ways of gaining wealth.


Gemini: I shift my lifestyle to embrace new love.

Big growth is starting now in your realm of relationships and love. Finish up with old routines, work projects, and ways of showing up in service to others. You may or may not need those habits again. Life is changing. New companions will be welcomed into your world over the course of this next year, and it requires you to step out of a skin that will no longer fit. Trust that a new skin, and new modes of work and service will be made for you. In the meantime, your main task of learning is to embrace connection. Who are you ready to connect with? Set intentions on your lifestyle that support this connection. What do you want to prioritize for yourself daily as you move forward into new landscapes of union? Make a plan on how to maintain your health and well-being as you begin this new cycle.


Cancer: I express myself as I step into new roles.

This New Moon encourages you to express yourself. Share what you feel! Say it out loud. Identify places where you have been holding back, and be willing to show up with more confidence. You are setting the stage for new roles that are developing for you in your workplace. The next year will see expansion when it comes to how you are of service. It might feel like a lot – possibly an overwhelming schedule and to-do list. This growth will require better management of your time and energy. Compartmentalize where and how you are able to show up. Clarify your necessary boundaries. How to determine what’s for you? Notice if it gives you pleasure or not. Notice if it feels true to you or not. Hone your intuition, and prioritize it. Take up space and set a tone to care for your physical body.


Leo: I am re-created by changes in my home and family.

New beginnings are indicated in your home, family, and inner world/personal life. The changes in these areas will allow you to grow yourself creatively and experience even more joy than ever before. Give yourself a break from “shoulds” and “musts.” The year ahead requires that you follow your heart, listen to your passions, and give yourself ample room to express. Make space in your home/personal environment that will allow you to open and experience as much pleasure as possible. Call in family members and ancestors to support your journey. Relish in all that supports you and helps you to meet your needs at this time. Trust your spirit, and have faith in all things that bring you joy. Be changed by the joyful and generous in life.


Virgo: I send out the message that I am returning home.

This Moon finds you busy, Virgo. Tying up loose ends. Running errands. Sending various communications. Responding to information. Find a mantra for this Moon. The world began with a word – which word or statement fits your life right now? What word can support your next chapter? Utter it aloud. Repeat it and feel it gain power. Use it to focus your mind. You are setting a signature that will serve you in this coming year as your home and family grow and expand. Your sense of safety and security will be teaching you much throughout Jupiter’s transit in Sagittarius. Notice who feels like family. Gather your support. Lean in, and let good fortune come find your foundation and help you to widen your base.


Libra: I invest in the power of my message.

This Moon helps to close out a cycle of attachment for you, Libra. You have been working hard this past year to transform where you usually source energy from. This has likely required a lot of letting-go and divesting from relationships centered on imbalances of power. Solidify your divestments and stake a claim in where you will be re-investing your time and energy moving forward. Sense yourself as the powerful, generative being you are – particularly when it comes to generating wealth and prosperity for yourself and your loved ones. In the year ahead, Jupiter will be expanding your mind and increasing the fortune available to you through spoken and written word. Teaching, communicating, sharing your insight and truthful messages, will bring growth. Choose an affirmation and positive mindset to lean into to remind you of this along the way.


Scorpio: I rebirth myself to replenish my resources.

The last year has brought growth and expansion for your identity and sense of self. Your already-strong magnetism has been heightened during this time. On this Moon, plant a seed of self-reinvention. Who is the old identity dying away? Say your final goodbyes and shed the old persona. Make a strong mark for the new mask you wear. The year ahead is full of growth in your area of resources, values, worth, and money. Take advantage! This cycle only comes once every twelve years. It is a great time to build on your authentic identity and setup a more complete financial foundation for yourself. Invest your resources wisely to support continued future financial gains. Aggregate skills and talents that could last a lifetime.


Sagittarius: I make room for my expansion.

Making room means letting go. Making room means practicing release. Making room means unraveling what you have been before now. Make room by practicing prayer. Make room by connecting with spirit and sensing your intuition. Make room through deep, deep rest. Imagine there is nothing to hold on this Moon, and that you can allow yourself to drift and dream. That in fact, on this Moon, your main task is to be like a sieve and let all things move through you without attachment. This next year will look like personal growth. It will feel like a new sense of self widening and taking up space in the world. Fortune will come as you put yourself out there. Cultivate trust and faith in yourself, and give yourself lots of room to grow and reach towards new horizons.


Capricorn: I rally my network so I can dream.

Who is on your team? Gather them round. What are your gifts? Tally them up. Make contact on this Moon – acknowledge your most powerful connections. In this last year, you have made many strides with collaboration and social ties. Anchor in the lessons that have become most clear. When you surround yourself with your authentic community, you will be supported to work with inner planes of inspiration. The next year will invite you to grow your spiritual connection. Intuition becomes more powerful and potent than it has been in a long time – give it credit. Center your awareness around the most subtle of senses. Embrace prayerfulness. Access rest and the ability to spend time dreaming and rejuvenating.


Aquarius: I recognize what I have accomplished and move to the next level.

This last year has brought abundance in the areas of social standing, career, and contributions to the world, Aquarius. What have you accomplished professionally within the space of a year? What powers did you reveal or embrace more deeply than before? Take a moment on this Moon to review the goals you met – and set new ones. The year ahead will help you gain collaborators, networkers, and teammates so you can further your reach. It’s kind of like.. How to win friends and influence people. Except there is no need for gimmicks. Find authentic allies who support your cause and want to help your purpose grow to its proper audience. Your work is meant to have a wide reach.


Pisces: I honor what I’ve learned and put it to use.

The last year has brought a lot of learning, Pisces. It has asked you to deepen your faith and systems of belief. It has brought you on journeys of discovery and exploration. With hope and optimism, you have had to gain a wider and deeper lens into what is true. The last year has given you knowledge. On this Moon, identify what you believe. What, now, do you hold in your bones to be most true? What is the meaning of life? The year ahead will ask you to take those beliefs and put them to work. You will have opportunities to lead, to rise, and to make professional contributions from the understanding you have cultivated. From a spiritual perspective, what goals did you come here to accomplish and fulfill? Pursue them.

Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)
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