Note: The eclipse is visible in southern parts of Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and South America. These places will experience the biggest changes over the next 6 months.
By Andrea Dupuis
This week we have a solar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius, the last of an eclipse set which started in June 2020. This past 18 months have been about collectively and personally balancing the Sagittarius and Gemini axis.
Sagittarius rules the 9th house – the house of spirituality and spiritual pursuits. Gemini rules the opposing house, the 3rd house – which is all about the mind.
At the deepest level, this axis is about balancing our mind and our spirit.
Each eclipse set encourages us to learn from the signs and planets at play and use the energy of the signs and planets to grow and evolve.
With the final eclipse of this set in Sagittarius, we are being guided to turn the dial up on our spirit and off of our mind chatter.
Now is the time to:
Tune in and listen deeper to your spirit.
Rest your mind for a bit.
Take a break from social media and television.
Reduce mental stimulation.
Meditate or Pray.
Take deep breaths.
Spend time in nature.
Get in touch with your inner voice.
When you consciously quiet the mind and make space for your spirit to emerge, Sagittarius will gift you massive spiritual insights. You could even experience a spiritual awakening.
This eclipse offers profound opportunities to increase your knowledge and to get telepathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient information. Your psychic abilities can increase.
On another level Sagittarius is connected to Fathers, higher education and international travel. You can experience new beginnings with these themes and see these parts of your life increase.
You can also expect new beginnings in the area of your chart Sagittarius rules, and big expansion in this area for the next 6 months. See where Sag rules below.
Storms and watery weather may come as Jupiter is connected with water and expansion.
Eclipse energy tends to feel chaotic, ungrounded and many unexpected events can occur. It’s impossible to predict what kind of energy an eclipse will bring into your life. Often it signals big endings and new beginnings.
The key is to stay connected to your spirit and do your best to relax your mind. The less mental stimulation during this eclipse, the better.
How this New Moon Eclipse will impact you, based on your zodiac sign.
Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign, Sun and Moon sign):
Look at your Rising sign first, then Moon, then Sun.
Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it):
The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign: ☉
Rising, Moon and Sun Signs, areas this New Moon will impact you:
ARIES: This eclipse happens in your 9th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality
TAURUS: This eclipse happens in your 8th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money
GEMINI: This eclipse happens in your 7th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas:Romantic partner, business partner, clients
CANCER: This eclipse happens in your 6th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas:Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals
LEO: This eclipse happens in your 5th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Romance, lovers, sex, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation, children
VIRGO: This eclipse happens in your 4th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas:Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots
LIBRA: This eclipse happens in your 3rd house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas:Siblings, online business, general business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, mental energy
SCORPIO: This eclipse happens in your 2nd house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Self-worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talent
SAGITTARIUS: This eclipse happens in your 1st house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity
CAPRICORN: This eclipse happens in your 12th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Spirituality, your dream world, the past, pain and loss, bed pleasures, isolated places such as hospitals, prisons and institutions, channelling
AQUARIUS: This eclipse happens in your 11th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck
PISCES: This eclipse happens in your 10th house. You may experience a new start and expansion in these areas: Work, self-employment, your career, public image, leadership
Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)