This week we have an intense and transformative New Moon in the sign of Scorpio. The Moon is at its fall in this sign, where it doesn’t operate well. This week can bring intense emotional upsets, upheaval and a general sense of uneasiness.
At the same time we have a beautiful aspect between Venus and Mercury bringing some much needed enjoyment and pleasure into the mix. The planets are supporting us to move through challenging times but taking time to be in the moment, to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings and to spend time with those we love.
The energy of Scorpio is like a flowing river that has frozen ice over on the top, but under the surface the river runs rapidly. Sometimes we need to crack the surface to reveal the intense emotions underneath. This starts the process of healing, where we can alchemize the intensity into something beneficial.
We may feel a crack in the ice this week, where anything we’ve been holding in comes up to the surface rapidly and unexpectedly. This will occur internally as well as externally for many of us. This New Moon is in close opposition with the planet Uranus – the planet of rebellion and upheaval.
An opposition creates a push pull dynamic between the two planets involved. In this case the push pull is between the Sun/Moon and Uranus. Between our emotions, identity and beliefs, and the planet connected to freedom, independence and rebellion.
Anything we’ve not felt or looked at within ourselves and the collective can come to the surface now. We may feel ourselves more emotional around this New Moon, and more eager to rebel, more eager to claim our independence, more eager to do things differently.
A New Moon is generally the best time to be more yin-like, to meditate, contemplate and limit exposure to loud chaotic places, shows, music etc., We may feel unproductive, overwhelmed and introverted. It’s best to allow ourselves to rest and feel all the feels for the few days surrounding this New Moon.
Scorpio is deeply connected to the Witch Archetype. This archetype, which exists in all of us, isn’t afraid of the darker realms and deep feelings. She isn’t afraid to travel to the underworld of her own shadow and explore it. Once she gains knowledge of what’s happening inside of her, she brings it to the light to be transformed.
When a Scorpio New Moon occurs, we’re being called to access the Witch Archetype within us and allow her to come and transform our lives. It’s a great week to go deep within! We can also set our intentions for what we want to create this lunar cycle (until the next New moon).
Scorpio brings an intensity to our emotional worlds, an unearthing of anything under the surface. Let it flow, let it come to the surface to be transformed.
Anything we haven’t allowed ourselves to feel may come into our awareness. Let the powerful emotions come forward to be transformed! This is a much needed process and ultimately will lead to rejuvenation and refreshment. Trust the process this week.
Other Aspects to Consider:
Mars and Saturn Square – These two planets will be in a tense and challenged square aspect on November 9th. Mars is the planet connected to war and Saturn is connected to the government and rules and restrictions. They are both in their home signs, so they both have a lot of power during this transit. We may see more conflict and tension with the people and the government and old structures.
Taurus Eclipse – We’re gearing up for the eclipse season with the first one occurring in the sign of Taurus on November 19th. Taurus is connected to money, financial systems and also enjoyment of life. We can experience big changes and shifts around eclipse time in the area where Taurus sits in our chart. Learn to read your chart here.
New Moon Contemplations
What have I been afraid to/avoiding feeling?
How can I dive into it and allow myself to go into the dark spaces if need be?
What within me is ready to be alchemized?
Who this New Moon impacts the most:
Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising
Aquarius Sun, Moon, Rising
The fixed signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus
New Moon in Scorpio Intention Setting Ritual
Cleanse and purify your space by burning rosemary, bayleaf, cedar, sage or any herbs related to your heritage.
Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)