Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius, 12:12pm PT Friday June 5, 2020 ~ Theme: Learn and Evolve

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15° Sagittarius, 12:12pm PT Friday June 5, 2020

Eclipses are one of the most important cosmic events we experience here on earth. We have our own Moon (as do many other planets). We don’t share it with any other planet – so transits or events which impact the Moon impact us deeply and personally. 

Eclipses signal endings, beginnings and major life events and changes. If we trace back to previous eclipses we can often pinpoint major life changes occurring around the time of them* (See link at the bottom of the article) 

They are not to be feared, but to be revered, as change is a natural part of life. Each Eclipse has different power levels and ways it will uniquely impact us… for example a Penumbral Eclipse is not as strong as a full, or total Eclipse. A Penumbral Eclipse is where only a small portion of the Moon is shaded. 

Every year we have what’s called “Eclipse Season” where there’s 2-3 in the winter and another 2-3 in the summer.  This year we have 6 Eclipses! This signals a year of massive change in the area where the Eclipses take place. This summer we have 3 in quick succession. Two in June and another in July.

Here’s the 2020 dates: 

January 10, 2020 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

June 5, 2020 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

June 21, 2020 – Annular Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

July 4, 2020 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

November 29, 2020 – Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

December 14, 2020 – Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

The first summer Eclipse takes place on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. We are slowly phasing out of Capricorn/Cancer, the last of the Capricorn/Cancer axis occurs on July 4. 

Capricorn represents Authority, government, old systems, material wealth, masculine achievements. Cancer represents home, family, the divine mother, nurturance, emotional wellness, feminine world. 

We can see how much these themes were highlighted over the last couple years, especially at the end of this axis, when we’ve all been asked to stay home. 

This Eclipses now move into the Sagittarius/Gemini Axis for the next year – this is the axis of the teacher and student archetypes. Sagittarius is the teacher, and Gemini is the student. 

A Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius will have us make BIG changes in our BELIEF SYSTEMS. 

Sagittarius is the master teacher. We must now ask ourselves – what do we need to learn? Now is the time to be a student, not a teacher. Sit back and learn. Let go of your old beliefs, and allow new beliefs in. Use the energy of the Full Moon Eclipse to release anything no longer serving you. 

Full Moon Eclipse Contemplation:

What old beliefs are no longer serving me? What old beliefs and learnings can I release (and metaphorically burn to the ground?)

A Full Moon illuminates our blind spots, so we may have deeper and clearer insight into ourselves at this time. It’s also a time of heightened energy so be careful if you start feeling overwhelmed, take care of yourself.  

Everything that’s occurring in the world right now can be traced back to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction which occurred in January, which started the process of dismantling old worn out structures.

This process of dismantling old structures is continuing throughout 2020. This Eclipse helps this process forward by highlighting our belief systems and what needs to change, no more time to wait! 

Listen, Learn and Evolve during this time. 

This Eclipse also Squares Mars and Neptune. Mars is the sign of war, of protest, of aggression. There may be more challenges this weekend. A square with Neptune creates great disillusionment and division. Be careful out there dear friends! 

Astrologically we are birthing a new world this year, and the process can feel painful – but so necessary. 

Past and Future Eclipses: https://www.astrologyzone.com/eclipse-dates/


Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign): 

If you don’t know your Rising Sign, you can pull up your chart here: 


Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it): 

The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign:

Rising, Moon and Sun Signs, areas this Moon and Saturn will impact you (Check your Rising first): 

Rising, Moon and Sun Signs, areas this FULL MOON will impact you:


ARIES: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality




TAURUS: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money




GEMINI: Romantic partner, business partner, clients




CANCER: Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals




LEO: Children, romance, sex, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation



VIRGO: Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots





LIBRA: Siblings, online business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching



SCORPIO: Self worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talents




SAGITTARIUS: Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity




CAPRICORN: Spirituality, your dream world, the past, pain and loss, bed pleasures, isolated places such as hospitals, prisons and institutions, channelling




AQUARIUS: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck 



PISCES: Work, self employment, your career, public image, leadership





Full Moon Ritual – best done under the bright light of the moon

  1. Have a pen and paper handy
  2. Take some time to meditate by listening to some music, using a mantra, anything that works to get you into a meditative space
  3. Close your eyes and feel deep into your heart – don’t rush this process, really feel into it
  4. When you feel ready to write down one area or specific thing (or person) in your life it’s time to let go of (ideally related to where the full moon is happening in your chart, see your Rising Sign above). 
  5. Have a container of water nearby, and burn the piece of paper (use tweezers to hold it without burning your fingertips). As it burns really imagine letting it go. 
  6. After you’ve let it go, cleanse – bath with rose petals, salts, crystals, feel the energy of this issue, pattern, person, whatever it is really drain from your system as the water drains. 
  7. Put on some nice fun dancey music
  8. Dance in the moonlight!
  9. Pull some tarot or oracle cards for advice for the next month until the next full moon (‘What do I need to know about the next month?’)
Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the Risingwoman.com menu :)
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