Full Moon at 19° of Gemini Wednesday December 11th @ 9:12pm PT
This month’s Full Moon occurs in the constellation of Gemini. This will be a light, active and mentally stimulating Full Moon as it’s also occurring at the 19th Degree – the Libra Degree – another Air sign.
When there’s a lot of Air element, or Vata energy occurring we feel a bit flighty, ungrounded and busy. Expect lots of communications, plan making, business busyness and general mental stimulation. It’s not the time for deep rest and relaxation, now is the time to stay on your feet!
Gemini is the sign of the cosmic messenger, so expect lots of incoming messages, conversations and connections a week before and after the Full Moon. It rules the 3rd house – the house of communication, business, writing and speaking so these areas may feel amplified.
For many of us, the holiday season is packed full of connection, community, family and catching up, the energy of the season perfectly lines up with a Gemini Full Moon.
Gemini is represented by The Lovers Card in traditional tarot. In the image a man and woman are depicted (Adam and Eve in some decks) considering making a choice while an angelic being looks down on them – believed to be Archangel Gabriel – the messenger of God.
On the deepest level, the Lovers Card represents relationships and the connection we experience within ourselves (our inner woman and inner man, inner mother and father, ego and spirit) as well as our relationships with others.
Themes around connection are big for the next couple weeks, especially because the Full Moon taking place at the Libra degree. Libra is the sign of relationships. At the same time this Full Moon occurs, we also have Venus, the planet of love in conjunction with Saturn, the planet of karma and restriction.
This conjunction may cause restriction and challenge in the area of love or money, depending on your own birth chart and the condition of Saturn there. It may bring a karmic event related to love. Alternatively, it could bring a deepened commitment, a new contract or more responsibility around money.
We are also gearing up for the big eclipses in December and January. The first one occurs on December 25th (in the Northern Hemisphere) in the sign of Capricorn. The second occurs on January 9th in the sign of Cancer.
These two eclipses echo back to the summer eclipses so expect similar themes as you or you may experience an end to something that began swiftly during eclipse season in the summer.
While we gear up for the eclipses, enjoy this lighter Gemini Full Moon!
You may feel ungrounded during this Full Moon, so take time in nature to connect to yourself and try to stay away from electronics if you can. Eat wet foods such as soups and stews, and take care of yourself! Immerse in water when you can and put your feet on the earth.
Rising, Moon and Sun Signs, areas this Moon will impact you:
Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign):
If you don’t know your Rising Sign, you can pull up your chart here.
Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it):
The one on the right with letters ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign: ☽ and your Sun Sign: ☉
Full Moon Ritual – best done under the bright light of the moon:
Have a pen and paper handy
Take some time to meditate by listening to some music, using a mantra, anything that works to get you into a meditative space
Close your eyes and feel deep into your heart – don’t rush this process, really feel into it
When you feel ready to write down one area or specific thing in your life it’s time to let go of (ideally related to where the full moon is happening in your chart, see your Rising Sign above).
Have a container of water nearby, and burn the piece of paper (use tweezers to hold it without burning your fingertips). As it burns really imagine letting it go.
After you’ve let it go, cleanse – bath with rose petals, salts, crystals, feel the energy of this issue, pattern, person, whatever it is drain from your system as the water drains.
Put on some nice fun dancey music
Dance in the moonlight!
Pull some tarot or oracle cards for advice for the next month until the next full moon (‘What do I need to know about the next month?’)
A Full Moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposite each other. This creates a sense of tension. It’s when the sun shines the most light on the moon. The Sun is our conscious and the Moon is the unconscious. So, it’s an ideal time to LET GO and to bring the dark into the light to be released.
Every Full Moon is a chance to look back at the intentions you planted two weeks ago during the New Moon. What were they? How have they manifested? Are you taking action toward them? Now is the time to reassess and release anything standing in the way of your hearts desires. The two weeks between the New and Full Moon is a great time for new beginnings. The two weeks after the Full Moon is time to let go.
When we plant our New Moon intentions, we can’t just plant the seeds and wait for them to grow. We need to fertilize the soil, water them, make sure they get plenty of sunlight – most importantly we need to weed and pluck out that which doesn’t serve us. The Full Moon helps us ‘pluck’ out the weeds.
When the moon is full, a light shines on the areas of our lives it’s time to release and let go.