This month’s Full Moon brings forth a lot of change, forward movement and momentum. Not only do we have Mercury and Jupiter going direct two days before the Full Moon, we are also entering Scorpio season two days afterward. All of this intense energy guarantees a powerful week!
This Full Moon occurs in the sign of Aries. Like all signs, Aries has two sides to it. The empowered expression and the shadow expression. On the empowered side, the Aries archetype is all about warriorship, leadership, pioneering and going forth with confidence.
On the shadow side, Aries energy is known to bring agitation, fights, aggression, frustration and lashing out in anger.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars – also known as the “Planet of War”. We can expect this energy to be particularly strong this week for many of us. As always, the way a Full Moon impacts us depends so much on our own personal chart. We don’t all experience transits same, it depends on how the planets interplay with our charts. Click here if you’d like to learn how to read your own chart.
In order to balance the empowered and shadow side of Aries, we need to look to its complementary opposite – Libra. A sign about balance, harmony and unification. This is a sign we explored on the New Moon. Where Aries tends toward isolation and division, Libra asks us to come together. This week we can take a deeper look at how these two archetypes play out within us.
In what ways do we create division in ourselves? In what ways are we hyper independent? In what ways can we come together in unity within ourselves and others?
During a Full Moon, the Sun illuminates the Moon – so anything that’s been hidden can come to light, anything unconscious can be brought to the surface. This Full Moon is also in a hard square aspect to Pluto, the lord of the underworld. Anything hidden can come to light now, and we can expect new information to come to the surface – whether on a personal or global level.
Overall, this can feel like a very tough Full Moon where we can see conflicts and fights occur within us and collectively.
The good news is we have lovely benefic Jupiter going direct two days before and is in a positive aspect to the Moon, this will soften some of these fiery energies. Mercury is also going direct. Now all planets are going direct, and projects that have been stalled can finally start moving forward.
You may notice things picking up, getting busier and forward momentum occurring. Use this forward movement and the help of the planets to get going on projects and new ideas. Now is a great time to take action!
Spend time caring for and nurturing yourself, it’s ok if you don’t feel as social as you usually do. Honor your need for rest and alone time.
This Full Moon impacts these signs the most:
Aries Sun, Moon and Rising
Libra Sun, Moon and Rising
Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising
To a lesser degree –
Leo Sun, Moon and Rising
Cancer Sun, Moon and Rising
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Fire Burning Ceremony for Releasing
(Do this under the bright light of the moon if you can)
Prep: Have a pen, paper, glass or metal container filled with water and tweezers on hand.
Cleanse and purify your space by burning rosemary, bayleaf, cedar, sage or any herbs related to your heritage.
Take some time to meditate by listening to some music, using a mantra, do breathwork or a guided visualization – anything that works to get you into a meditative space. You can sit at your alter, outside or just somewhere in your home that feels good to you.
Close your eyes and feel deep into your heart – don’t rush this process, really feel into it
When you feel ready to write down anything in your life you feel ready to let go of. It can be names of people you want to cut chords with, patterns, old hurts. Space them out so you can cut them up to burn. You may have several listed on the page.
Rip or cut up the words you wrote into separate pieces. Fold each one up individually and burn over the container of water (using the tweezers so you don’t burn your fingers) As the burns really imagine letting it go. I’ve noticed the ones we’re the most afraid to let go of don’t burn as fast!
Thank the fire for helping you let go and transmute and close the space.
After you’ve done the fire burning, cleanse yourself in water – have a bath with rose petals, salts, crystals, feel the energy of this issue, pattern, person, whatever it is really drain from your system as the water drains. You can have a simple shower instead, just envision it all draining and you starting fresh.
Put on some nice fun dancey music
Dance in the moonlight! Celebrate the newness you’ve created by letting go
Horoscopes For Each Sign – The area of life you can release something this Full Moon
Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)