New Moon in Virgo ~ September 6, 2021 @ 8:52pm ET/5:52 PT ~ Theme: Devotion
By Andrea Dupuis
This Monday we have a lovely New Moon in the sign of Virgo. With a New Moon in Virgo, it’s time to purify – our homes, our bodies, our inner worlds. We can create a new start in the area of our bodies, our daily routines and our health. If you’ve been wanting a new exercise routine, a cleanse, or to declutter – now is a great time!
Use the energy of Virgo to clean up your life physically and metaphorically. Every fall (or spring in the southern hemisphere), the Virgo New Moon comes along and pushes us to organize ourselves and our lives before winter (or summer).
Virgo is also a sign connected to the concept of devotion… devotion to a cause, to a person, to a mission, to ourselves, to spirit, to the planet. The archetype of Virgo is connected to that of a Priestess or High Priest, who is in service to the divine.
In traditional tarot the high priestess is a figure who’s deeply connected to both the earth and the higher realms. She has her feet on the ground, yet is connected to her intuition and psychic ability. She trusts her wisdom and is in service of something bigger than herself.
Ritual and the earth is very important to the priestess. You may feel drawn now, more than ever to spend time with the earth, to connect to nature in a deeper way, to gather flowers or fill your home with beautiful arrangements or herbs. All of this represents this devotion as they are an offering.
Now is a great time to consider what we’re devoted to and to give ourselves over to that person, place, thing, mission, belief – whatever it is.
New Moon Contemplations:
What am I devoted to in my life?
How can I express that service or devotion?
What intentions can I set related to this area?
This particular New Moon is in a close positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the planet of unexpected changes, rebellion and marching to the beat of our own drum. With this positive aspect we can make swift and rapid life changes that lead to long term enjoyment. This is an especially powerful New Moon to set your intentions around what massive changes you want to make in your life.
We also have a beautiful aspect between Venus and Jupiter, our two benefics. Overall this New Moon is bringing a sense of beauty, love and enjoyment. There’s one hard aspect to watch out for, as the New Moon is conjunct with the planet Mars.
Mars is a hot, fiery planet that moves fast. Virgo is an earthy sign who takes it’s time and is slow and methodical. The planet Mars doesn’t move smoothly through this sign, so we can expect some challenges related to what we’re devoted to as a result of this transit.
So even with a soft New Moon we may notice things heating up. Be careful not to act out of aggression or rage, be slow, be methodical and take your time in all areas of your life.
The effects of a New Moon lasts an entire lunar cycle until the next New Moon.
Who this New Moon impacts the most:
Virgo Sun, Moon and Rising
Aries Sun, Moon and Rising
Scorpio Sun, Moon and Rising
Aquarius Sun, Moon and Rising
High Priestess Card
New Moon in Virgo Intention Setting Ritual
Cleanse and purify your space by burning rosemary, bayleaf, cedar, sage or any herbs related to your heritage.
Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)