Full Moon in Aries ~ October 17, 2024, 4:27am PT/ 7:27am ET ~ Embracing Bold Action and Balance Amidst Tension

Full Moon in Aries

October 17, 2024, 4:27 PT/ 7:27am ET

Embracing Bold Action and Balance Amidst Tension

By Astrologer, Eden Wine | IG: @EdenAlexWine

Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program

On October 17, 2024, the Full Moon in Aries brings a surge of dynamic energy and courageous momentum, encouraging us to break free from stagnation and take bold action. 

Full moons are always a time of culmination, illumination, and revelation, and this particular lunation highlights the themes of independence, assertiveness, and personal empowerment, all woven into the fiery archetype of Aries. 

But this moon also comes with powerful aspects that challenge us to seek balance and harmony amidst the tensions that arise.

The Warrior Within

Aries, ruled by Mars, is the warrior of the zodiac, representing pure, unfiltered action and the impulse to initiate.

This Full Moon in Aries calls forth the archetype of the independent trailblazer, urging us to assert our will and embrace our individuality. Aries is all about taking risks, trusting our instincts, and being bold enough to go after what we want without hesitation.

Self Reflection Questions:

Where am I being called to step up and take action in my life?

How can I courageously express my authentic desires, even if they challenge the status quo?

What needs to be released so I can move forward with greater clarity and confidence?

While Aries can help us find our inner fire, it’s also important to recognize that this fiery energy can sometimes lead to impulsiveness, aggression, or an “all or nothing” mindset. 

The invitation here is to balance that go-getter spirit with mindfulness, ensuring that our actions are aligned with both our inner truth and the impact we wish to have on others.

An Invitation to Overcome Inner Conflict

As this Full Moon illuminates the fiery energy of Aries, it is met with a square to Mars, which is positioned in Cancer.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, naturally thrives on direct action, but in the sensitive sign of Cancer, the energy of Mars becomes more nurturing, protective, and emotionally driven.

Mars in Cancer can feel conflicted between wanting to act and needing to protect or nurture.

This square between the Full Moon in Aries and Mars in Cancer brings a challenge around emotional assertiveness. 

You might feel torn between acting on your impulses and protecting your emotional safety, or between pursuing your desires and nurturing the needs of others. 

This tension can stir up feelings of frustration, irritation, or even defensiveness, especially when it comes to matters of home, family, or emotional security. 

The key here is awareness, to become an alert observer of how you are reacting to your environment, taking a pause and supporting yourself so that you can master your response. 

Here are some practical tips to consider: 

  • If you feel emotionally charged during this Full Moon, take a moment to pause before reacting. Ask yourself: Is this action coming from a place of emotional reactivity, or is it aligned with my values?
  • Engage in practices like journaling, breathwork, or a body-based movement to channel this emotional energy constructively.
  • Communicate your feelings in safe environments with vulnerability, especially if you’re navigating conflicts between personal desires and the needs of loved ones.

Navigating the Push & Pull 

One of the most striking features of this Full Moon is the formation of a Grand Cross, involving the signs of Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer.

A Grand Cross occurs when four planets form challenging 90-degree angles to one another, creating a square-shaped pattern in the sky. This aspect can feel like a push-pull dynamic, with each planet vying for dominance in its respective corner of the zodiac.

In this case, the Full Moon in Aries (representing individuality and action) is in opposition to the Sun in Libra (representing relationships and balance), while both are squared by Mars in Cancer (emotions and security) and Pluto in Capricorn (structures, power, and transformation).

This creates a powerful moment of tension and growth, where we are called to integrate seemingly opposing forces.

Let’s break down the archetypes involved:

  • Aries (Moon): The call for personal freedom, independence, and bold action.
  • Libra (Sun): The desire for harmony, compromise, and relational balance.
  • Cancer (Mars): The need for emotional security, care, and nurturing.
  • Capricorn (Pluto): The transformation of structures, authority, and long-term goals.

The energy of this aspect can feel like a battle between our need to assert ourselves (Aries) and our need to maintain harmony in relationships (Libra), while also juggling the emotional demands of home and family (Cancer) and the pressure to transform our external lives and responsibilities (Capricorn).

It’s a cosmic tug-of-war, where each corner pulls us in a different direction. While this push and pull dynamic can feel overwhelming at first glance, there is a deeper call to tune into your priorities and to grow amongst each of these four corners, ultimately finding balance and emotional mastery.

You are strong and capable, and this full moon is guiding you to learn of your strength and tenacity.

An additional way you may want to think about the lessons being imparted by this lunar portal, includes considering how you approach maintaining your sense of self, while balancing how you show up in your relationships.

Take time to reflect on how you can honour both your own desires and the needs of your relationships. Are there any imbalances that need to be addressed?

The energy of this full moon is asking us to be responsible and grounded in how we manage our emotions, especially during conflicts, because the changes we make now have the potential to be deeply transformative. 

You are ultimately being invited to embrace any discomfort as an opportunity for growth. 

Who this Full Moon will impact the most:

Aries Sun, Moon, Rising
Libra Sun, Moon, Rising
Cancer Sun, Moon, Rising
Capricorn Sun, Moon, Rising

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Practical Ritual For The Aries Full Moon

1. Journaling & Reflection:

– Write down the areas in your life where you’ve been holding back from taking action. Where can you summon the courage to move forward?

– Reflect on any conflicts that have arisen between your desires and the needs of others. How can you find balance between your autonomy and your relationships?

2. Fire Release Ritual:

– Aries is a fire sign, so working with the element of fire can be particularly powerful during this Full Moon. Write down any limiting beliefs or emotional blockages that you want to release, then burn the paper as a symbolic act of letting go.

3. Grounding & Breathwork:

– Grounding practices are essential to help find balance amongst the competing energies. Take time to root yourself in the present moment with breathwork, yoga, or spending time in nature. Focus on calming your nervous system and bringing your mind and body back into balance.

This Full Moon in Aries offers a potent opportunity for growth, action, and transformation, but it also challenges us to find balance amidst the tension.The energy of this lunation is inviting us to navigate the complexities of personal desires, relationships, emotional security, and long-term transformation. By embracing the fiery energy of Aries and finding a harmonious balance between these forces, we can step into a more aligned, empowered version of ourselves.

Remember, the way forward isn’t about choosing between autonomy or harmony, action or stillness—it’s about integrating all of these energies into a cohesive, balanced whole.

Trust that the challenges you face now are paving the way for deeper alignment with your truth and your relationships.

Eden Wine is graduate of the 2023 apprenticeship and a lawyer turned mindset consultant and astrologer. With a carefully curated and customized approach that utilizes both practical (i.e. somatic healing methodology) and metaphysical/esoteric modalities (i.e. tarot, astrology, numerology, human design), Eden supports clients in the process of deeply recognizing themselves and expanding and awakening to their innate potential. Contact Eden for readings: [email protected]
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