Special Report ~ October 2024 Astrology Forecast ~ Theme: The End is Only the Beginning

October 2024 Astrology Forecast

Theme: The End is Only the Beginning

By Astrologer, Meagan Leonard | IG: @_space.drama

Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program

Subthemes for October 2024:

– Getting clear on priorities and setting boundaries
– Releasing commitments that no longer serve you
– Confronting and integrating your shadow

Overall Energy

October opens at the height of eclipse season, with the final Libra eclipse in this series taking place on October 2. Fated endings and new beginnings will characterize the first half of the month as we eagerly await the results of lessons we’ve been moving through since the beginning of 2023.

Therefore, the quality of time may seem chaotic and unpredictable, and regulating your emotions could be more difficult. You might feel excited or even euphoric one minute as you contemplate the future and its potential, then anxious and sad the next as you realize all you have lost and must release to bring those visions into reality. 

Because Libra rules partnership, our relationships will remain a focal point over the coming weeks as we contemplate which commitments contribute to our growth and which inhibit it.

This is the time to take an honest look at how you are investing your energy and whether your current actions and choices are honouring your values, beliefs, and goals.

Learning to set boundaries with others and put our needs first is one of the major lessons we are moving through right now, so it will be vital to get clear on your priorities and begin cutting out any commitments that are depleting you or not serving your long-term goals.

Pluto stations direct at 29 degrees of Capricorn on October 11, completing its annual retrograde cycle and initiating the end of an era. We have entered the final chapter in the Pluto-in-Capricorn storyline, which began in 2008.

Although Pluto has been dipping in and out of Aquarius since 2023, it will finally move into the sign of the water bearer for good in November. Over the last couple of years, you’ve likely received a glimpse into what this next chapter holds for you.

Think back to the period between March and June 2023 and January to September this year—what changes occurred? What insights or ideas surfaced? What opportunities presented themselves?

It’s possible that you started something new during this time that appeared to have long-term potential but was only a stepping stone.

These experiences served as your initiation into a new reality and likely brought up any remaining wounds or ego issues you needed to confront before stepping into your authentic purpose.

Acknowledge the doors they opened and the lessons you learned, then peacefully let them go, knowing that something even better is on its way.

The energy will take on a more intense quality in the second half of the month, with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 17th.

There may be a sense of completion now or a feeling of finally stepping into your purpose.

Still, as we often discover, this is not a celebration of completion but merely a milestone or welcome reprieve after the chaos of eclipse season. This will be especially apparent when Venus, Mercury, and the Sun shift into Scorpio, forcing us to peer deeply into things against our wishes and have the challenging conversations we’d rather avoid.

Scorpio season is all about shadow work and confronting the parts of ourselves we try to hide. It is arguably the most challenging of the water seasons but offers the greatest potential for positive change if you’re willing to face the darkness.


Jupiter retrograde in Gemini (October 9, 2024 – February 4, 2025)

Since the end of May, Jupiter has been transiting through intellectual and airy Gemini—this is a sign where it does not traditionally function well as it is considered in detriment here.

Jupiter prefers Sagittarius’s expansive and free-thinking realms, where it can dive into subjects in-depth and search for higher meaning. It finds Sagittarius’ opposite sign of Gemini to be too scattered and distracted.

Because Jupiter magnifies and amplifies whatever it comes into contact with for better or worse, there is a risk of overthinking the wrong thing or spreading our energy too thin across many different pursuits.

Therefore, when the gas giant goes retrograde, we are invited to reflect on how we’ve been spending our time, what is worth diving deep into, and what should be shelved for a later date. 

Generally speaking, retrogrades represent a period of review and course corrections—they are opportunities to revisit the themes and lessons we’ve been learning while the planet was direct.

Gemini rules all forms of communication: writing, speaking, and social media—it encompasses how we share our ideas with others and encourages us to explore issues from multiple perspectives.

Over the next four months, you may feel less expressive and hesitant to share your plans or decide to put a creative project on hold.

There is a sense that our ideas may need some time to percolate, and we could benefit from taking a step back. Use this time to reflect, conduct research, and plot your next steps so you can share your discoveries next winter.

Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer (October 14)

In astrology, each planet has a sign where it is considered “exalted,” meaning it functions to the best of its ability and its energy is expressed uninhibited. In the sign opposite its exaltation, a planet is thought to be in its “fall” or a position of weakness and debilitation.

Both the Sun and Mars are in the signs of their fall this month, so when they square off on October 14, this could create a feeling of repressed tension that has no obvious solution or outlet.

Usually, we experience a Sun/Mars square as a conflict between what we want to do and our responsibilities and obligations. We want to take action, but something external is blocking us, which leads to frustration.

Because Mars is in Cancer, this lends a slightly different flavour to the conundrum. Mars, typically action-oriented, becomes defensive in Cancer. It wants to protect itself at all costs and is less likely to take a risk without emotional security and reassurance.

This type of energy lets issues simmer until they boil over, whether that is its own anger or someone else’s. Therefore, we may experience this transit as a feeling of internal tension, rather than external, that comes from not being honest about what we want or taking steps toward it.

It may feel like everyone is getting on your nerves today and pushing your buttons. This is the universe telling you it’s time to speak up and do what’s best for you.

Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn (October 22)

Pluto stations direct at the start of the month and will spend its final weeks in Capricorn before moving out of this sign for good on November 19.

Since 2008, we’ve been on a karmic journey centred around the themes and lessons of our Capricorn house, with each successive experience contributing to our growth in this area.

Now, we’re finally tying up loose ends and shedding any remaining fears that may be holding us back so we can step forward into a new beginning individually and a new era collectively.

For many of us, our efforts to heal this house may become part of our work and purpose moving forward. For example, if Capricorn rules your 6th house of health, you may have grappled with illness or undertaken a wellness journey and are now prepared to use this knowledge to help others.

In any case, you will have faced numerous challenges related to the house themes, survived, and are now equipped with unique skills and wisdom that will serve you well in this next chapter. 

On a smaller scale, we may experience this transit as an aha moment that helps us rediscover our path and reclaim our power after feeling lost.

Whenever the Sun and Pluto meet up, some aspect of our shadow is illuminated so that we can become aware of and transmute it.

A situation may come up that is triggering and exposes some aspect of your shadow that has been sabotaging you unconsciously.

Pluto/Sun squares can feel like tests—breathe through the chaos and focus on what it is trying to show you.

Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn retrograde in Pisces (October 28)

The energy around our relationships has been a focal point since early 2023, especially over the last two months.

This square will create a push/pull between our desire for freedom and independence and our need for stability and security, and we may realize that we can’t have it both ways.

We may resist deeper commitment by convincing ourselves that relationships should conform to our expectations, a person should check all of our boxes, and someone better is always around the corner if it gets challenging.

Until we’ve experienced a deep, authentic connection, the idea of love can feel like a myth—we may think we’ve found it, then realize we were just making it fit, put people from the past on a pedestal, forgetting why it didn’t work out, or convince ourselves that all relationships must be hard and tumultuous. 

When Venus and Saturn get together, we’re forced to take a sober look at our relationship behaviour—Ask yourself, is this connection fulfilling emotionally, physically, and spiritually? Is there long-term potential—do our values and goals align? Am I avoiding commitment out of fear of rejection? Am I constantly looking for reasons to doubt my partner’s devotion? Do I believe I am worthy of the love I want?

Signs Most Affected

Libra sun, moon, and rising

Scorpio sun, moon, and rising

Aries sun, moon, and rising

Taurus sun, moon, and rising

Key Transits and Dates:

Oct. 2: Solar eclipse in Libra

Oct. 5: Mercury in Libra square Mars in Cancer

Oct. 9: Jupiter retrograde begins in Gemini (until February 4)

Oct. 11: Pluto stations direct

Oct. 13: Mercury in Scorpio

Oct. 14: Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer

Oct. 15: Venus in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

Oct. 17: Full Moon in Aries, Venus in Sagittarius

Oct. 22: Sun in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn, Sun in Scorpio

Oct. 28: Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces

Oct. 30: Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus

We’ve are in Eclipse Season until Mid October…

Download our Free Eclipse Season Survival Guide to discover: The Do’s and Don’ts for Thriving During Eclipse Season, Tips for managing big emotions during this time and How to use this potent energy to make massive changes in your life.

Meagan is a writer, certified astrologer, and intuitive tarot reader. She is currently pursuing her master’s in counselling psychology and hopes to eventually combine astrology and therapy in private practice. Astrology and tarot have helped Meagan learn to trust her intuition and navigate many difficult experiences. Now, she is passionate about using these tools to help others do the same.
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