New Moon in Virgo ~ September 2, 2024 @ 9:56pm ET / 6:56pm PT ~ Theme: You Are Not Your Past

New Moon in Virgo

September 2, 2024 @ 9:56 pm ET / 6:56 pm PT

Theme: You Are Not Your Past

By Astrologer, Meagan Leonard | IG: @_space.drama
Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program

On September 2, we have a New Moon in Virgo that will invite us to embrace our shadow and confront the unrealistic standards preventing us from showing up authentically.

This is the final lunation before eclipse season begins and will usher in a period of integration as we prepare to address the insecurities that are holding us back.

Because Venus and Black Moon Lilith will be conjunct the South Node in Libra during this New Moon, aspects of our past relationships may come up for review—not in the form of old connections resurfacing, but as unresolved emotional experiences that still cause us guilt or shame. 

Lilith represents our shadow side, and its transits draw attention to parts of ourselves that have become hidden or repressed. She embodies the instinctual fears that arise from social conditioning and operate unconsciously, preventing the full expression of our authentic nature.

In Libra, Lilith represents the darkness revealed through our connections with others.

Relationships are both sacred containers and pathways. They act as catalysts for change by mirroring our strengths and weaknesses, pushing us to grow while also triggering our wounds so they can be healed.

The lessons we learn through partnership can be intense and painful, exposing sides of ourselves we’d rather not face.

The emotions that surface through this process can be shocking and disorienting, and we may emerge from this crisis thinking, but that’s not me. It’s not who I am

In the aftermath of such conflict and upheaval, we want to distance ourselves from what happened. We don’t want to be associated with the person we became in those moments of despair and panic or ever end up there again. 

This fear of our shadow makes us feel like we have something to hide. 

Once you have unlocked your darkness, it can haunt you and hold you back for years. No matter how much healing work you’ve done or the progress you’ve made, there is always the fear that someone will find out what happened and judge you for it. No matter what you do, it never feels like enough to make up for your past mistakes.

Virgo energy is concerned with purity.

In shadow, Virgo can become trapped in an unending quest for perfection, believing it is not worthy of its desires until it has proven itself or fixed its perceived flaws.

Because it hides its own undesirable qualities, Virgo assumes others must be doing the same, and this causes it to feel suspicious and obsessed with figuring out what people are withholding.

Virgo wants to be seen and accepted more than any other sign, but the constant struggle to accept its own darkness creates energetic walls between itself and others.

Putting it all together, we have Virgo’s tendency toward perfection exacerbated by the fear of others seeing our darkness and judging us for our past.

The shadow cast by Lilith represents previous versions of ourselves that we want to distance ourselves from. It is as if by sharing what has happened to us and what we’ve done, we become that person again. So, we overcompensate and throw up walls, diverting attention from what we perceive to be the least desirable parts of ourselves.

Right now, we are being pushed to let others in and share our stories—even the unflattering parts.

As long as we are running from the things that cause us shame, they will continue to have power over us, creating obstacles and keeping us from the connections and experiences we desire most.

This New Moon is giving us the opportunity to integrate these past versions of ourselves and recognize what those experiences taught us and how far we’ve come.

Once we acknowledge that we do not have to be perfect to be worthy and do not have to do what we’ve always done, we are ready to take our first steps down a new path.

Because the South Node is associated with the karmic lessons we must learn on our soul’s journey, we must integrate these elements of our past to move forward.

This point is also where we will experience a solar eclipse on October 2, so the work we’re doing now could be tied to a new beginning next month.

Events surrounding this New Moon will force us to confront our shadow in some form or another, and we will have the opportunity to bring it into the light—to be seen for who we are…

If we can overcome this discomfort, we will be rewarded with opportunities for deeper connection.

Self Reflection Questions:

Which aspects of your past are the most challenging to share with others? What emotions come up when you think about these experiences?

Which parts of yourself do you try to hide from others? When did this start?

What wounds have been triggered most often in your relationships? How have you healed since then?

Who this New Moon will impact the most:

Virgo sun, moon, and rising

Libra sun, moon, and rising

Gemini sun, moon, and rising

Pisces sun, moon, and rising

Ritual: Connecting With The Shadow Self

Psychologist and astrologer Carl Jung believed that our repressed memories and emotions were hidden in something he called “the shadow self.” The shadow contains our unhealed wounds and parts of ourselves we’ve deemed undesirable—left unchecked; this energy may unknowingly influence our lives.

Shadow work is the process of tapping into and drawing out these parts of ourselves so they can be integrated. Instead of hiding or repressing our fears, insecurities, and painful experiences, we can acknowledge and accept them, bringing them into the light and taking away their power.

Aspects of our shadow are often associated with anger or fear—which is how they typically manifest; however, behind these is often a more profound, primary emotion, such as disappointment, sadness, shame, or guilt—the most difficult emotions to accept and express. 

The key to shadow work is leaning into a trigger and then identifying the primary emotion and where it came from. 

To do this, start by feeling where the trigger resides in the body—is it in your jaw, chest, abdomen, or lower back? What sensations do you experience when you tap into it? 

Next, consider what it looks like—its shape, colour, or form. Can you give it a name?

At this point, you can begin to approach the shadow with curiosity. What does it need? Is it support, acknowledgment, control, or acceptance? How can you begin to fulfill this need?

Thank your shadow for communicating with you and for what it has come to teach you—send it away with loving energy.

Exhale and release.

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Which area of your life you can set an intention during this Virgo New Moon:

Look at your Rising sign first, then Moon, then Sun.

Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign, Sun and Moon sign):

If you don’t know your Signs, you can pull up your chart here.

Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it): 


ARIES: Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals, daily routines




TAURUS: Lovers and romance, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation, children




GEMINI: Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots, the heart




CANCER: Siblings, online business, general business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, the mind



LEO: Self-worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talents



Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity



LIBRA: Spirituality, your dream world, the past, pain and loss, isolated places such as hospitals, prisons and institutions, channelling



SCORPIO: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck




SAGITTARIUS: Work, self-employment, your career, public image, leadership


CAPRICORN: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality




AQUARIUS: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money



PISCES: Romantic partner, business partner, clients



Meagan is a writer, certified astrologer, and intuitive tarot reader. She is currently pursuing her master’s in counselling psychology and hopes to eventually combine astrology and therapy in private practice. Astrology and tarot have helped Meagan learn to trust her intuition and navigate many difficult experiences. Now, she is passionate about using these tools to help others do the same.
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