Full Moon in Capricorn ~ July 21, 2024 @ 6:17 a.m. ET, 3:17 a.m. PT ~ Theme: Answer The Call

Full Moon in Capricorn

July 21, 2024 @ 6:17 am ET / 3:17 am PT

Theme: Answer The Call


By Guest Astrologer, Meagan Leonard | IG: @_space.drama

Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program

On July 21, we have a powerful full moon in Capricorn that will close out a six-month cycle of deep learning and transformation. The first half of the year brought challenges designed to reveal our true desires, and we are finally ready to take responsibility for our long-term happiness by making bold decisions that transcend our wounds and fears. 

This lunation is known as a “blue” moon because it is the second Capricorn full moon of the summer. Its auspicious energy is amplified by the fact that it will occur at the anaretic degree or “degree of fate” and in a close conjunction with Pluto. The anaretic degree is the final degree of a sign and represents the purging and integration that occurs before a new beginning.

Pluto has been dipping in and out of Capricorn since early 2023, creating the feeling of having one foot in the past while reaching for a more aligned future. This fall, the planet of transformation will touch the 29th degree one last time before leaving Capricorn for good; therefore, not only are we seeing the results of intentions set during the New Moon back in January, but the completion of a larger story that began in 2008.

Over the last year and a half, you may have experienced rapid change and watched as parts of your life seemed to fall away—this is because anything that was not in alignment was being removed to make way for what is occurring now.

Many of us saw our jobs, relationships, and life goals transform quickly and unexpectedly. To others, it may have seemed like we were doing a 180 and acting out of character when, actually, we were finally doing things that were in our best interest.

Neptune is also sitting in the final degree of Pisces and will form a sextile with the Full Moon. A sextile is easeful, supportive energy that gently coaxes us toward something. Because Neptune rules dreams and intuition, you may be receiving nudges from your inner authority that are making it easier to recognize what is right for you.

This energy will work alongside the Full Moon to expand your vision, allowing you to see beyond previous limitations and set your sights even higher.

June’s Full Moon in Capricorn brought an intense, cathartic release as we mourned what we’ve been forced to let go of and contemplated where to direct our energy going forward.

It also showed us the limiting beliefs that have been holding us back and what is required to get what we want. Saturn rules Capricorn and does not deliver immediate gratification.

To live out the life of our dreams requires commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. We were asked to sacrifice short-term security in favour of long-term satisfaction and fulfillment, because for many of us, our sense of security had become maladaptive and rooted in fear. We stayed in certain situations because we didn’t believe there was anything better out there and played small to avoid the risk of failure.

Settling may have kept us safe before, but then something shifted, and we caught a glimpse of what else was possible. 

This Full Moon is the portal to that new life.

Much of the tension the last couple of months comes from indecision around whether to stay or go—do we finally shake off the last remaining vestiges of the past and embrace the new opportunities available to us? Or do we wait to feel more “ready?” Do we allow our past mistakes to keep us stuck or boldly step forward knowing that every hurdle was preparing us for this moment?

At the start of the year, we were given a test run—a chance to put our money where our mouths are and dive headfirst into the life we want. We navigated challenges and disappointment and saw what was at stake. 

The trial period is over— this time, it’s for real.

We are now in a unique position where we get to rebuild the foundation of our lives from a place of knowledge and experience. We are starting over, but we are not the same person and that makes all the difference.

This Full Moon represents the culmination and integration of everything we have learned both in the last six months and the last 16 years. 

As you contemplate the path ahead, you might be asking, what if it’s like last time?

It’s time to start asking, what if it’s what I’ve always wanted?

Full Moon Journaling Prompts:

What overarching lesson have you been learning since 2008—what fears have you conquered? How have you changed?

Which experiences have felt the most satisfying recently—which made you feel depleted?

In what area of your life are you feeling called to start over and try something new? What is asking you to say YES?

Who This Full Moon Affects The Most:

Capricorn sun, moon, and rising
Cancer sun, moon, and rising
Pisces sun, moon, and rising
Leo sun, moon, and rising

Ritual: Fire Ceremony

This Full Moon is both an ending and a celebration as we reflect on the challenges and trials of the last 16 years and prepare to embrace new, more aligned opportunities.

Fire rituals are a beautiful way to give physical form to our fears, beliefs, and attachments, and then release them in a tangible way.

Ahead of the Full Moon, explore the behaviours, people, and situations you want to let go of. If certain things have already passed from your life, you can contemplate your attachment to them and what they have taught you. Spend some time in meditation, expressing gratitude for the challenges, mistakes, and lessons that have brought you here.

Then, write down what you must release in order to step into the person you are becoming and any fears that have held you back in the past.

Cast each piece of paper into a bonfire or light them individually. 

As each one burns away, repeat: Thank you for all that you taught me. I am ready for what is next.

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How this Full Moon will impact you based on your Rising, Moon & Sun Sign:

Instructions for looking up your Rising (Ascendant sign) Moon and Sun Signs if you don’t know yours: You can pull up your chart here.

Enter your info… and you’ll get a chart. (Note you must have your accurate birth time to use your rising sign, even two minutes off can change it): 

On the bottom chart under Planetary Details:  ‘ASC’ is your Rising Sign, so look at that first, followed by your Moon Sign and then your Sun Sign.


ARIES:  Work, self-employment, your career, public image, leadership  




TAURUS: Father, gurus, spiritual community, foreign travel, blessings, your belief systems, spirituality




GEMINI: Death and rebirth, the occult, big life changes and transformation, sexuality, inheritances, other people’s money




CANCER: Romantic partner, business partner, clients




LEO: Your service to the world, day job, enemies, your physical body, health, animals, daily routines




VIRGO: Lovers and romance, play, hobbies, fun, art, intellect, creation, children





LIBRA: Home, mother, family, emotional wellbeing, ancestral roots, the heart  





SCORPIO: Siblings, online business, general business, local life, relatives, short distance travel, writing, speaking, teaching, the mind




SAGITTARIUS: Self-worth, money, what you eat, your voice, possessions, skills and talents 




CAPRICORN: Yourself, ego, how you present yourself to the world, your looks, identity



AQUARIUS: Spirituality, your dream world, the past, pain and loss, isolated places such as hospitals, prisons and institutions, channelling 



PISCES: The greater network, large groups of people, acquaintances, community, social media, online communities, good luck



About Guest Astrologer, Meagan Leonard

Graduate of Our Mystic Astrology Apprenticeship Program

Meagan is a writer, certified astrologer, and intuitive tarot reader. She is currently pursuing her master’s in counselling psychology and hopes to eventually combine astrology and therapy in private practice.

Astrology and tarot have helped Meagan learn to trust her intuition and navigate many difficult experiences. Now, she is passionate about using these tools to help others do the same.

As a reader, Meagan uses the natal chart to identify the unique soul journey you are on in this lifetime—the lessons you are here to learn, and the challenges you must overcome to unlock your greatest strengths.

Her areas of interest are the North and South Nodes and synastry/compatibility.

 IG: _space.drama


A Full Moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposite each other. This creates a sense of tension. It’s when the sun shines the most light on the moon. The Sun is our conscious and the Moon is the unconscious. So it’s an ideal time to LET GO and to bring the dark into the light to be released. 

Every Full Moon is a chance to look back at the intentions you planted two weeks ago during the New Moon. What were they? How have they manifested? Are you taking action toward them? Now is the time to reassess and release anything standing in the way of your hearts desires. The two weeks between the New and Full Moon is a great time for new beginnings. The two weeks after the Full Moon is time to let go. 

When we plant our New Moon intentions, we can’t just plant the seeds and wait for them to grow. We need to fertilize the soul, water them, make sure they get plenty of sunlight – most importantly we need to weed and pluck out that which doesn’t serve us. The Full Moon helps us ‘pluck’ out the weeds. 

When the moon is full, a light shines on the areas of our lives it’s time to release and let go.

Meagan is a writer, certified astrologer, and intuitive tarot reader. She is currently pursuing her master’s in counselling psychology and hopes to eventually combine astrology and therapy in private practice. Astrology and tarot have helped Meagan learn to trust her intuition and navigate many difficult experiences. Now, she is passionate about using these tools to help others do the same.
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