Start Creating Healthy Love Today By Discovering Your ‘Relationship Signature’
(Are you The Wind, The Ocean, or The Mountain?)
Hi, I’m Shay, the founder of Rising Woman…
We all have a special pattern to how we approach dating, marriage, and love in general…
When you discover your unique Relationship Signature. You can…
- Free yourself from neediness and looking to a partner to make you feel whole.
- Stop being “too nice”.. Hold kind boundaries while being your most loving, attractive, & phenomenal self.
- Be with someone who truly loves & respects you. (Transform your current relationship, or discover the new love of your life.)
First Step? Discover YOUR unique Relationship Signature…
(This only takes 30-seconds, no Email required)
PS. Once you understand how YOU relate to others in love, you’ll be able to create the beautiful romantic life you deserve.