New Moon in Libra October 19th, 2017 ~ Astral Report

New Moon in Libra Oct. 19th 2017. Once again the Moon will meet the Sun for the start of a new cycle. The New Moon takes place at approx. 12:12 pm, Thursday in the sign of Libra. Find your individual astral report here.

With the new moon in Libra it marks a new beginning, a new opportunity to be present and put our best foot forward in our relationships. Whether it’s dealing with our family, friends or bosses there is always room to grow, learn and evolve. Jupiter having recently left Libra and is moving away from its 2017 on-going opposition with Uranus, with the New Moon swooping in to hold onto this energy for just a little bit longer.

It is time to put all the lessons from the Jupiter in Libra (year long transit that just ended) opposite Uranus in Aries into action, by putting in the effort to integrate them on the deepest levels. We have to be dedicated to the work, despite the continual shocks and unexpected circumstance that happen in our lives. When things get tough, especially within our relationships, we have to learn to not only communicate but listen with an open mind and heart. We need to allow room for others to be different while maintaining integrity to ourselves.

Jupiter in Libra’s lessons have been all about us growing in our relationships, no matter what kind, learning and recognizing what a healthy relationship is and consists of on all levels.  

This transit served as a mirror for us to see ourselves in others. The importance of striving for balance and equality has also been highlighted, making it very obvious what is out of balance and where there is no equality. The Uranus opposition reflected a lot of challenges for the Jupiter transit, as the old saying goes “throw a monkey wrench in the works”. Uranus, constantly shaking things up with unforeseen events and confrontations. Poking holes in Jupiter in Libras diplomacy, exasperating issues and letting us all see the dissatisfaction and/or radicalism everywhere. There has been a lot of tension.

During this time, the spiritual warrior in many has been called forth. With people standing up for themselves and their communities where there has been injustice. There’s a restlessness in the air to no longer let those who abuse power in our lives to continue, with many walking away from failing systems designed to keep many at a disadvantage. This is a time of provoking action and a resurgence in activism throughout the world.

Uranus the awaken-er is pushing us to expand our consciousness, so we can be inventive and evolve our society to a higher state of being. Although it is not easy because Uranus’s process is all about the evolution after overcoming adversity and trauma. Clarity and revelation can come with a mind opening experience,  revealing the narcissistic tendencies of our culture.

With the Moon and the Sun coming into this opposition with Uranus you may experience some tension. If so, try to channel this energy into fueling your new moon intentions, allow yourself space to reflect on what you want to cultivate this month and ask to receive insight. With the Sun and the Moon in alignment, it’s a good time to make adjustments to our inner world and our outer identity in the spirit of alignment. Uranus can also shed some perspective on our egos, and reveal the masks we may wear in our relationships.

Supportive Aspects: Saturn and the North node will be sextiling the Sun and Moon and trining the South Node, encouraging us to not get caught up in the past, or become too focused on the future. We are invited to become more present and authentic while we follow our respective paths.

Saturn will be giving us some stability in ourselves and understanding on higher Truth and our own personal truth. Now is a good time to be creative and connect with others. 

Other planetary aspects happening on the New Moon

Jupiter now in Scorpio will be conjunct Mercury, bringing our thoughts and our minds into philosophical depths. There is a need to go in and explore our shadow and our darkness. To seek a deeper understanding of the dark beliefs that penetrate our mind at a subconscious level and create consequences in our lives. Jupiter wants us to see Truth and the only way to fully encompass Truth is by understanding darkness.

Secrets, death, intimacy, sex, money, scandal and power may be grabbing our attention. Be aware of when your mind may be residing in the underworld, reach out for support if you find yourself in a mentally dark place. 

Mars in Virgo is opposite Chiron in Pisces poking at our wounds, triggering them and highlighting sensitivities, but our wounds are also a pathway to our own medicine. With Chiron in Pisces we may need to focus some energy on using our imagination for new visions and ideas. Thus to live a spiritual life of healing in connection with nature law. Mars in opposition here is reminding us to take action and get to work. We can’t just expect our dreams to come into manifestation without putting in the effort. Mars wants us to get focused and cut out what is unnecessary, to pay attention to organization and details. If you’re reflecting Chirons sensitivity or consider yourself an empath, try not to take things personally at this time. It’s important to clear your energy and to avoid taking on what’s not yours to carry.

New Moon Ritual Suggestion:

  1. Set some New Moon Intentions by writing down some short term goals for the next month and/or making a vision board or something creative that reflects your intentions. Be sure to make at least one about what you can improve upon within relationships or how you can create more balance in your life.  
  2. Then set whatever you make on your altar.
  3. Go sit or lie down in a comfortable position to do a practice of deep breathing focusing on your breath for a few minutes (or as long as you like) before doing a visualization.
  4. First visualize sending yourself love, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion. Thank your body for carrying your soul in this life.
  5. When you are ready visualize important people in your life that you love, sending them love, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion.
  6. When you’re done, visualize difficult individuals and relationships in your life and repeat the process. (take as long as you need.)
  7. You can even take it a step further and visualize those considered enemies and/or dark individuals. Repeating the process once again.
  8. Journal about your experience and any insight you have gained and what came up.

Take this opportunity and utilize this energy to move forward in a new way on this new beginning. Let those who are different from us teach us. Let us find our humanity and extend unconditional love to ourselves and others, so that it can ripple out into the world.

Also read: How to Create Your Own New Moon Ritual for Manifestation and Intention Setting.

“ The people we are in relationship with
Are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs,
And simultaneously we are mirrors, reflecting their beliefs.
So… relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth…
If we can look honestly at our relationships,
We can see so much about how we have created them.” – Shakti Gawain


Andrea is a writer, astrologer, astrology teacher and tarot reader who combines ancient classical techniques from Esoteric Western Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Jaimini and Vedic Astrology into her own unique intuitive astrology system called Sacred Astrology. Check out her Become Your Own Astrologer Course under "Programs" on the menu :)
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